I'm expecting the new year to bring in more sales, more opportunities and more ideas! Let the creative monkeys loose, I say! Just to highlight some of the things that's been going on........... in October 2009, for the first time ever I placed some items I have created in the Pensacola Interstate Fair. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I won ribbons on EVERYTHING I put up to be judged!!!!!!
First place ribbon for my Zebra Handbag
Second place for my Cupcake Pincushion created out of a jello mold and fancy pins.
And Third place for my Cupcake Baby Rag Quilt.
Then in November 2009 I set up my tent at the Old Farmhouse Craft Show for the firsttime and again was pleased with the turn out of people. Especially since we had a hurricane headed for us that week. Which, thank goodness, turned into a tropical storm and caused no damage at all.
As you can see from my display, not only have I improved on my tent and display from when I first started - but I have also increased my volume of products.
Florida Gators Rag Quilt Tote and a baby T with the cutest saying!
Baby Burp Cloths made with Gerber Cloth Diapers
My beautiful daughter helping out with the shows. You can certainly see the Cherokee heritage in her!
In December I worked on some Pet Carrier bags for my two new Pocket Beagles I've recently adopted. Peanut is posing in the pictures, she's such a wonderful model.

Happy New Year from Queet at Caterpillar Cottage!